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May 12, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – May 12, 2016 – 2:00 pm
Meeting Minutes  -  Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant (PBMLP)
                2:00 PM Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, chair, Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman and T.A. Nina Nazarian, Asst. Mgr Marty Dell’Erba, and John Kowaleski and residents.
Approve minutes
The PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Stan, second by Jon, to approve the meeting minutes for March 15th, 22nd, 29th, April 5th, 12th, 19th, & May 5th.
Authorize any payments required
        Marty identified 2 invoices which should be approved. The Board voted 3-0 on a motion by Edie, second by Stan, to approve the payment to LINX Associates, Inc in the amount of $8,695. Jon mentioned that he would vote to support this invoice, different from his other votes, as the work by Mr. Leaman is worth every dollar. The Board voted 3-0 on a motion by Edie, second by Stan, to approve the payment to Ferriter & Ferriter LLC for the amount of $225.
        Marty made a suggestion to allow the PBMLP manager to approve and pay small amounts, under $100, such as postage costs. The Board voted 3-0 on a motion by Edie, second by Stan, to approve operational expenditures by the PBMLP Manager under $100.
Engineering Design firm recommendation/discussion       
        Phil described that over the last several weeks they have been meeting, a total of 4 had come forward, 1 vendor was eliminated due to price. Phil L. distributed a summary of the status entitled Engineering Proposal for Design and Engineering. With the remaining 3, they met with them several times. Phil was asked for clarification by one of the vendors and therefore asked for one more week for consideration.
Continue Discussion on Special Town Meeting (if desired)
        Stan described the history of the discussion. Edie said it would be nice if we could go out early, but she felt that the PBMLP should have an informational meeting for residents to attend, that we will be able to offer television when we do have the system up and running. Stan mentioned that Phil O’Brien asked for an agenda item for the next meeting to discuss that matter. Marty described the subscription drive ending by May 20th, as advertised. Edie felt that people were getting antsy. The PBMLP discussed the next marketing effort at the Thomas Prince School on May 20th. John K. asked if we could publish the efforts of the marketing team and the number of subscribers. Stan said that according to Phil O. today, there were 399 subscribers. Marty provided the PBMLP with a summary of his interactions and observations at the ConnectingPrinceton advertising table outside the Town Meeting. Most people stated that most individuals he spoke with were in favor of the effort. One individual suggested a tiered option.
Updates or Correspondence
        Marty provided the PBMLP an update with cable technology advances. That you can now purchase a television which comes loaded with the Comcast suite. All you have to have is an internet connection.
An article in the Telegram where the administration of Petersham, has petitioned the Governor for broadband access. Marty will contact the town administration at Petersham. Our neighbors in Sterling have Comcast, and there have been rumors that the build out did not happen as it was understood to have. He wants to check whether or not this rumor is true. Emailed note by email to Dave Charbonneau and Michael Baldino, Marty had summarized the email to the PBMLP. Marty emphasized that it was his third request to MBI for the contact for Comcast.
        On May 4th Marty had spoken with Brian Allen, the lowest bidder was $140k, the next lowest was ~$260k, and was ~$460k. The lowest company is out of Hooksett, NH, named U.S.A. (Utility Service & Assistance), they have done work in the area, and very close by in Sterling during the ice storm. The lowest bidder is expected to have the qualifications, and included police details in the estimate. According to Marty, Mr. Allen believes that the lowest bid provides for an estimate which appears reasonable. These new bid numbers places the PBMLP closer to the 2015 estimates which were put out by the Princeton Municipal Light Department.
        Jon commented that it is unbelievable of how unresponsive MBI has been, suggested that the entire PBMLP request a meeting with MBI. Jon asked Stan what he thought. Stan said that given the new chair of the MBI board, Phil O suggested that we send Mr. Peter Larkin a letter of congratulations.  Phil O has drafted the letter to be sent, and Stan plans to present a copy of the drafted letter from the PBMLP to Mr. Larkin.
        Edie mentioned the Boston Globe article about Hulu and asked that it be discussed. Stan read from a flyer. Stan asked Marty to communicate with marketing team on advances.
        Edie mentioned that some people came away from Town Meeting with the impression that the project would be on the taxpayers, but was not sure where that came from.
        John K. asked Jon F for another update regarding the Risk Assessment. Jon mentioned that it is in Draft, but does not wish to release it yet. Stan asked when he would release it. Jon mentioned that he would prefer to hold the information until the MBI/Comcast information gets clearer. Jon said that risk exists in just about everything, it is the way that people view that risk from their own perspective. John Roul mentioned that he didn’t believe that Comcast would be able to come in with a feasible solution, after the Princeton Broadband project has been completed, and providing a service to a then served town. Jon mentioned that he would plan to disseminate the final risk assessment to the townspeople. Jon mentioned distributing it by email. Edie mentioned that if the risk report only makes identification to risks, and it does not address benefits, it would be flawed. John K. mentioned that it is important to get the risk report completed sooner than later, so that those who are not following the subject can go down the list and agree or disagree. Edie asked what Jon’s overall objective was. Jon explained that this is a startup business, and that this is a due diligence undertaking. Edie mentioned that this project is an investment in the Town.
        Judy mentioned that it is important that an increase in your home value does not mean that your taxes will go up because of the value going up. Judy mentioned that Jon’s analysis was supposed to be a risk and benefit analysis, asking pointedly that if it has risks, does it have benefits. Jon stated that the report does not have all that many benefits listed in it, but that anyone could write it themselves. Stan mentioned the email sent by Mr. Michael Cote, re: risk/benefit to Princeton residents to move forward on fiber and asked that the PBMLP discuss the correspondence formally at the next meeting.
New Business – See above
Old Business – See above
3:40 PM The MLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Stan, second by Edie enter into executive session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21, Exemption Ten – To discuss trade secrets or confidential, competitively-sensitive or other proprietary information – Marketing, only to adjorn. Stan called for a vote and in roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon Voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

PBMLP referenced documents or correspondence:   Letter from the Town of Colrain to Governor Baker; Payments Made for Broadband (financial tracking spreadsheet); and Email from Michael Cote, “Hard numbers on risk/benefit to Princeton residents to move forward on fiber”

Minutes Approved on May 25, 2016